Four years of undergraduate is the best time to decide what it is that you really want to pursue in life. It’s good to have goals coming into the college but don’t be rigid about these and stop looking around for new options
The World Cup: Heaven for players and viewers alike. The best of the best of the very best play at this level. Club teammates go head-to-head, club rivals go head-to-head, headbutts (thanks Zidane), elasticos, unreal saves, unreal goals, and more such exciting action in the "beautiful game"
Big Data For Dating - Our weekly series of articles about how you can apply Big Data to have a rich and exciting dating life.
What has changed recently is the difficulty level. Nowadays, mere theoretical knowledge isn’t sufficient anymore.
We’ve all made masterpieces where the stickman (the hero of the story) is hanging from the edge of a square grid on the graph book. Wouldn’t it be exciting if the stickman you drew could run, fly (with the help of balloons, of course) and tackle fire-breathing dragons?
Whether you’re a science geek or not, the universe is always exciting. This website made by the Huang Twins, Carl and Michael will take you on a journey from the smallest speck in the universe to the unfathomable observable universe. So fasten your seatbelts and get a grip of your mouse, it’s going to be an exciting ride.
Ubisoft has hit it out of the ballpark with this one. After the terrible response to AC-Unity, Syndicate comes as a breath of fresh air for gamers across the globe. You play the part of Jacob and Evie Frye, two siblings who are out to find a Piece of Eden in London and eliminate the Templars.
Yes, it's the weekend. No, you don't have any cool plans yet. Hold on, do you want to climb Mt Everest? Or explore the islands of Andaman and Nicobar? The new Google Maps interface lets you go deeper into the routes and explore the surrounding areas in detail. Its 3D feature makes it feel (almost) like you're on foot.
A pizza delivery man is caught after he robbed a bank with a bomb attached around his neck. He is caught by the local cops and is begging them to help him find the keys to unlock the bomb. You hear the bomb ticking faster and in only a beat of a minute, the collar bomb on Brian Wells explodes on national television, killing him instantly. The cops have no clue other than a few fragmented statements made by Brian. Can it get weirder than this?
Surfing the internet for your semester end project and you need a break, but the bigger issue now is that you don’t know what to surf? Just Stumble Upon things that you might like to read or watch with this website that keeps a track of what interests you.
We're all fascinated with foreign languages and pronunciations, but it's not easy learning it. The Memrise app is too cool for school (quite literally). It has a bunch of languages you can choose from, with fun interactive exercises and games that help you learn faster.
It’s okay if group discussions freak you out. It’s pretty normal to be anxious about making an impact in a group of 8-10 people you haven’t met before (oops). Anyway, brush that anxiety off and let’s get you a plan of action.
It’s that time of the year again when all engineering students iron out their best shirt, tame their otherwise uncombed hair and talk to themselves in the mirror. Placements bring with them a lot of extra pressure, and while grooming well is just the icing on the cake, you want to make sure that you’re prepared for every other hurdle that comes along the way (like the aptitude test, technical interview, and group discussion). So, first things first, let’s talk about the aptitude test.
Need a fun weekend plan with your classmates? We’ve got two words for you: FIFA Battle. FIFA 18 consists of new moves, better physics, updated player appearance, and ratings, along with the most realistic crowd experience you will ever get. You don't have to be a fan to play FIFA, but you’ll become one after.
Huddle up with a notebook and pen, you might want to take some notes for your upcoming GD’s and interviews. Karan Thapar is one of the most intelligent and well-renowned journalists in India. What happens when he meets his match in Shashi Tharoor, a former Minister of HRD and External Affairs, and renowned author?
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to dive into the infinite blue waters of Tonga and swim with whales? Let Darren Jew (an Australian underwater photographer) take you on a thrilling journey over 45 minutes to meet some of his magnificent subjects.
If you're looking for a good laugh, here’s what you need to be clicking. Choose the cosiest spot on the sofa, put your feet on the table and zone out of all things serious for this one. Sidenote: you’ve been warned about the stomach cramps.
Numbers tell you the true story of what’s really going on. This report will tell you in no uncertain terms how to get ahead of “Sharmaji ka beta" who is working for “TCS in Amreeka”. Let's get right to it.
This trip made me realize that traveling is a food for the soul. Real exposure can contribute to great intellectual growth and broaden your horizon in ways you can’t even perceive.
If you’re oscillating between the decision of an MBA or an M. Tech, here’s what you haven’t thought about before. Shakespeare once said, and very true so – “to be, or not to be, that is the question. However, today the same question is somewhat differently phrased – “to do, or not to do, and more importantly, what to do?”
While getting into a reputed Engineering college requires a considerable amount of toil and hustle, one more struggle begins once you make it into one. Read this article for more about this topic and visit for more awesome content.
A lot of us become very opinionated and driven because of the endless information that is given to us. If someone has ideas rushing through them, starting a blog is the best way to channelize that.
The idealistic way to approach the career/academic future is to strike a balance between grades and extracurriculars, while grades indicate your academic capabilities, the experience puts these capabilities to practical use.
In true engineer fashion, Bhavya presents this concise, bullet-formatted, assignment-style analysis of the 5 types of relationships that an average engineering campus almost always has.
The silences we had shared while listening to the sound of the waves, the taste of salt from the water in the sea, the relief that a short breeze gave us in the heat; all were experiences that we'd take back, that belonged to us. It was all worth it.
A father giving his daughter a ride on his shoulders, an old man rocking a chair outside his house. They all seemed like individual waves on an ocean - distinct, yet as every wave washes you over, you feel the same feeling of contentment and peace.
Before you actually take the plunge in Engineering, make sure you know that some apparent “common facts” about engineering are actually just myths.
Campus placements are these fests of opportunities, right within your reach. Think about it, what'd happen if campus placements weren't there? You'd have to scour around for jobs, and then apply for them, one at a time. It would have been a tiring process.
I saw people in the front row laughing at me because due to nervousness, I mispronounced a word. That’s it. I went blank and ended my speech midway by saying “Ummm……… Thank you!”
A good project can give your resume some much-needed recognition in the eyes of the employer or can even be an icebreaker in your interview. It can also shoot your CGPA by a few points.
Robert Downey Jr battled drug abuse and alcoholism throughout his youth but somehow managed to get over them it. He was asked how did he do that, he said that it’s very easy to do something, be it good or bad, the hard thing is to decide that you want to. And when you want to, you just do.
Women are often under-represented in the fields of engineering, both in academia and in the profession of engineering. But here are the few superwomen engineers who showed the world that they are the experts no matter what against beating all the odds.
Here is the curated list of popular news that is creating buzz for engineers right now all over the world. This week list is curated by Deah Gulwani
On the occasion of International Women’s Day, our Story Teller, Upasna Doshi, discusses everything from her views on feminism to her life experiences which have made her the strong independent woman she is.
On the occasion of International Women’s Day, our Story Teller Saneeya Agrawal discusses everything from her views on feminism to her life experiences which have made her the strong independent woman she is.
Many well-known Entrepreneurs that India has seen come from an engineering background too, and they have contributed to making the start-up scene sexy. Some of these start-ups know well. Others are quite unique.
Prateek Gautam explains about some cool inventions during the Industrial Revolution.
Learn about 360 Degree Selfie, Face Pay feature, Self Driving Trucks, Reversing Paralysis, Practical quantum computers. These may be alien words for you now, but these are the major breakthrough last year in engineering.
Read this article by Swahili M, to get info about some famous Indian discovery and our contribution to the world because be it the number 0, FLUSH TOILETS or even rust-resistant iron pillar, India certainly has contributed its fair share in discovery and invention.
Science has chiseled our lifestyle very finely and India acknowledges these developments and their significance by celebrating National Science Day every year.
Piyush Vats in this article talks about "Common Mistakes" that every engineer may have done once in a while. Also, tell us what other mistakes have you or your friends been guilty of during your engineering days?
Here is the curated list of popular news that is creating buzz for engineers right now all over the world. This week list is curated by Deah Gulwani
Electrical Energy has a vital role in our lives. Imagine a day without these photons traveling and basking upon you! The world might seem to be a useless place ;)
Mechanical engineering is one of the oldest engineering disciplines and highly appreciated in several industries around the world. Engineers design societies. Mechanical engineers create and build devices to enable that design.
Computer Science doesn’t need much of an introduction - it is the most popular branch of Engineering and one of the most “visible” industries in the world today.
Tired of writing your record and feeling uninspired? Wondering where this path will take you? Who do you look to? Whose story keeps you going? Read this article about few Gems that India produced in the field of engineering.
IIT Guwahati has a body dedicated for internships and placements, known as Centre for Career Development. Then the college uses that portal to communicate to students about companies that will come in future.
I read somewhere that human resource is the greatest asset. I truly realized the impact of this sentence during this internship.
Working in Operations isn't as sexy as it sounded to me......There is no fancy stuff like number crunching, investment banking, or making big profits. The challenge mainly lies in supporting different blocks of the process.
Choosing a career pertaining to your degree after your college concludes isn't the only option. I say that from experience.
Strengths can also be conveyed in your resume without spelling them out. If you provide crisp and clear descriptions of your job responsibilities, skills, then written communication will be one of your strengths.
The resume should not only include your academic qualifications or work experience, but extend to your hobbies, your co-curricular activities, and your passion.
Make your own resume, Don't copy. Understand this that, different organizations and roles have different requirements. Customize your resume slightly for the different types of roles.
Your initial goal shouldn't be landing the job itself, but to differentiate your resume as much as possible from the competing pool of candidates.