Every Saturday morning, Konversations brings to you a list of 5 great content pieces curated by our team from around the web.
This Saturday (Week 18) is curated by Kunj Sanghvi. Enjoy the weekend, folks!
Alright, to kick off your weekend, which we hope will be full of dates and parties, is this classic article from WaitButWhy on How To Choose A Life Partner. In its 2 parts, it gives a very precise approach on how to go about finding the perfect person with whom you will be sharing thousands of dinners and million of traffic jams.
From settling down, we quickly move to roaming about. As owning a home becomes less important and working remotely and living like a nomad becomes cooler, we look at how this new kind of lifestyle is being adopted all over the world.
Here's a cautionary tale from our country on the kind of jobs people are saying yes to. We believe, as long as you work on updating your skills and getting better at your job, you will be able to avoid such spurious companies and jobs.
Whether you love the sport or not, you will love this underdog story of a bunch of amateur cricketers from a small, rainy, island country that took over the world. This story has romance, courage and a generous dose of smashing the ball around the park.
And, finally. Here's a video with two of our favourites - John Oliver and Stephen Hawking. As Mr. Hawking passes into another dimension, we celebrate his achievements, his social initiatives and his amazing sense of humour.
Kunj Sanghvi
November 04, 2017
November 11, 2017
November 18, 2017
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