Time: 1 hour and 36 minutes Mood: Adventure What you need: A Netflix account, an internet connection and a desire to travel around the world Everyone is on a lookout for happiness. Engineering students most definitely. Expedition Happiness follows Selima Taibi, Felix Starck, and their adorable dog Rudi as they embark on an exciting road trip across North America. Far from home, they buy an old school bus and spend a few days to turn it into their mobile home and transport that will take them across the northern states of America. You’re with them from the very beginning, when Felix fixes the bus and Selima adds every bit of home to it. You’ll find a lot of keepers in this documentary, from what life is like on the road (because come on, we all imagine we’d pack our bags and strut off one day!), how to work around different situations and exactly where to find happiness. It’s an easy watch that spreads over an hour and a half and you’ll love the original music composed by Mowgli and you’ll also appreciate the extremely beautiful frames that are shot and compiled by Felix. Save this one for an insightful weekend watch.
We all have a couple of minutes, sometimes hours to kill in a day. And sometimes we just need a break from the dreariness of assignments, placement preparations, and semester exams. Don't worry, we've got you covered. The next time you've got some time to waste, check out "Effective Time Wasting Strategies" on our community section for the most effective ways to waste your time (you heard it right!), where we bring you the coolest stuff on the internet.
Sarika Nerurkar
Photographer | Writer
If I'm not at my table I'm either chatting up over fizzy drinks or climbing in the Himalayas.
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